Tuesday, November 13, 2012


 Harriet Toompere
 Kristo Viiding
Marta Laan

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Becoming George

"It takes time in the morning for me to become George, time to adjust to what is expected of George and how he is to behave. By the time I have dressed and put the final layer of polish on the now slightly stiff but quite perfect George I know fully what part I'm suppose to play." 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My soul to take ...

... asemel vaatan Elizabeth Taylor: Auction of a Lifetime.
" When Taylor overheard heard Princess Margaret declare that her 39carat diamond ring was ‘vulgar’, she offered to let HRH try it on.
Princess Margaret did, to which Miss Taylor said, ‘It’s not so vulgar now, is it?’ "